Young people are challenged to consider the meaning of success in their lives: ‘big picture’ issues such as who they are and aspire to be, what’s important in life, and where they’re heading – Arthur’s personal story interwoven throughout.
Topics include:
- Adulthood – who will you become?
- The amazing ‘journey of life’
- School – staying v. dropping out
- Education – why it’s worth your best shot
- Career – identifying your talents / passions
- Choices = consequences
- Heroes, role-models, mentors
- Life-giving relationships
- Dealing with parents
- Morals and values for life
- Social responsibility
- Suffering – a normal part of life
- Failure – success in disguise
- Speak up and seek help
- Resilience – never giving up
- Self-confidence / esteem / love
- The ‘4-legged stool’ – physical-mental-emotional-spiritual balance
(Includes an optional 6-page handout)
- 60-90 minutes – straight presentation and question time
- 90+ minutes – includes ‘Imagine’: interactive exercise where students visualize attending a school re-union in 20 years & describe who they’ll be
- Open-ended – an opportunity for students to debrief with Arthur
Fee: Negotiable according to travel, timeframe, school’s financial means, etc
To excel in life, young people should possess leadership qualities. However, in our competitive and materialistic society leadership is too often individualistic and self-serving. The seminar aims to challenge such notions, offering an alternative approach to leadership that is ‘servant’ based and permeates all facets of a person’s life.
Topics include:
- Arthur’s personal leadership experience
- Contemporary notions of leadership
- The nature and quality of leadership
- Heroes and role models
- Leadership and moral/ethical responsibility
- The servant / sacrificial leader
- Leadership and family
- Leadership and work
- Leadership and community
- Leadership at school
- Are you a leader or a follower?
Timeframe: 60-90 minutes – including question and discussion time